TicSalut Observatory: Drive to Apps and Health and Social Mobility Projects

Autor: Adrià G.Font   /  29 de març de 2016

The Observatory is an open network space that allows the participation of organisations, citizens and professionals who want to share their knowledge in ICT and Health, a support that brings together innovating healthcare management experiences in Catalonia and abroad.

Up to now, the Observatory has been divided into 4 blocks, depending on the information it covers:

1.       ICT and Health Survey in Catalonia: Analysis of the present and future of ICTs in Catalan healthcare institutions.

2.       International trends: Observatory of trends in ICTs and Health around the world.

3.       Experiences in ICTs and health: Directory of innovative projects in eHealth in Catalonia.

4.       Mobility Apps and Projects: Directory of mobility apps and projects in the health and social sector.

TicSalut invites you also to share your mHealth apps and initiatives with the whole community of professionals, institutions and patients; all you have to do is to complete a small questionnaire.

Latest apps incorporated

We present the list of apps we have recently included in the directory: 

  • Andaman7: Health register synchronised (HC) around your circle of trust.  It allows users to have their medical record on their mobile device.
  • Sara la petita fada”: An interactive tale to encourage children to learn about Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Universal Pharmacist Speaker: An application which facilitates communication between pharmacists, patients and customers who do not share the same language.
  • Pindocal: An application that produces alerts and works as a reminder for people to take their medicines, to visit the doctor and with functions that include the possibility of identifying where the vital signs can be registered.
  • Pukono: An app intended to help and improve diet amongst those suffering from kidney disease and the hypertense through a guide to feeding, recipes and personalised menus.
  • Espiro: An application which supports the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with respiratory disease.
  • S'acabó: A free app designed exclusively for giving up smoking.
  • ComunicaAPP: An application that allows direct communication between doctor and patient through alerts, information, reminders, etc.
  • Alerhta: A support application that facilitates the monitoring and control of hypertensive patients.  It minimises the risk of cardiovascular accidents.
  • NandaNocNic: An application for consulting the NANDA, NOC and NIC classifications and their connections.
  • TCApp: An application for the treatment and control of Food Behaviour Disorders.
  • Energy for Life: An educational application for children on the vital functions of the human being.
  • The miracle of life: An educational application for children on the life cycle of the human being. 
  • Experience life: An educational application for children on the vital function of the relationships of the human being.

15 March: mHealth.cat Meeting

From this month, a fifth block is brought in, the mHealth.cat Office, coinciding with its implementation.  Promoted by the Catalan Health Department, the Department of Employment Social Affairs and Families and Fundació TicSalut, with the collaboration of the Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation, the mHealth.cat Office has been created in order to gather and display all mobility applications and projects developed in the health and social sector.

The mHealth.cat Meeting will be held on the coming 15 March.  The event is intended to establish a framework for moving forward in the deployment of the Mobility Master Plan together with the health and social sectors of Catalonia, and is addressed at all managers and people responsible for the entities of the sector, professionals and associated companies.  The Master Mobility Plan of Catalonia, the Health App and the mHealth.cat Office will be presented there. The final programme will be presented in the coming days, which will also include C@tSalut La Meva Salut, eConsultation, the European PIDaaS project and the experience of an app that interacts with the social and healthcare world.


You can follow the meeting via Twitter on the hashtag: #mhealthcat