The CloudInn TicSalut platform ends three years with its sights set on new improvements for 2016

Autor: Adrià G.Font   /  7 de gener de 2016

Open Innovation

To place ourselves in context, the theoretical base of this kind of platform is drawn from the concept of Open Innovation. Last year, the UVIC-UCC made Henry Chesbrough Doctor Honoris Causa as the father of the Open Innovation concept, and in his acceptance speech, Chesbrough highlighted the fact that, “SMEs, which are more focused on producing and selling, forget about seeking innovation resources in universities or other partners, which would make them more competitive”. TicSalut’s wager on this platform therefore pursues the objective of contributing to broadening the limits of organisations in their search for partners and for identifying international opportunities.

Moscardi talked about this international, but also local, side when he said that, “We have received queries both from medical centres in Ecuador and companies interested in investing in technology in Washington, US. Other contacts have been local, for example from companies seeking to obtain licences to operate solutions based on technology or science”.

Along this line, one of the advantages of the platform according to Moscardi has been that, “It has allowed us to see the reality of our target market in other countries and therefore to understand the different options we can consider when undertaking a commercial or collaborative operation”.

Finally, as a reflection, in the case of Eodyne Systems, Moscardi says that, “This platform has served to bring us interesting international contacts,” but he warns that ”It must be supported by a good communication strategy and web presence”. In the end, Moscardi concludes, “It must be a work tool that facilitates this process of consultation and Networking”.

The future of the platform

The experience of these three years has allowed needs and points where the platform can be improved to be detected. In early 2016, CloudInn TicSalut is expected to incorporate a new function that will be useful in identifying and seeking partners in setting up local and international projects. This will allow greater efficiency for the process restricted up to now to entities with considerable accumulated experience and a large network of contacts.

CloudInn TicSalut works thanks to Innoget, a marketplace or virtual meeting point of open innovation with more than 100,000 registered users around the world. Based on permanent discussion between TicSalut and Innoget on the needs and opportunities detected in the sector, this cloud platform has been personalised for our sector under the name of CloudInn TicSalut.

How to take part:

CloudInn TicSalut is a platform of open innovation made available to professionals, companies and institutions related to Fundació TicSalut. To take part, just register on the following link.