International Conference on Integrated Care

27 /abr


  • Integració Social i Sanitària
  • 27 Abril 2020

The 20th International Conference on Integrated Care (ICIC20) will take place in Sibenik, Croatia from 27-29 April 2020. The conference is a partnership of Ministarstvo Zdravstva, the City of Zagreb, Health Center Zagreb, University of Zagreb and Libertas University. The conference attracts 1000 researchers, clinicians and managers from over 60 countries, who are engaged in the design and delivery of integrated health and social care.

The conference will build on themes from previous years and in particular would like to include in this year’s programme papers that are focusing on the following areas:

  • Meeting the challenges of integrated care in early development, childhood and transitional care in adolescents
  • Integrated community care approaches for better management of diseases with a stigmatizing effect, including for example mental health and addiction issues
  • Better managing the care of vulnerable populations including for example war veterans, and preventing isolation and loneliness
  • Integrating survivorship, caring for carers, palliative and end-of-life care
  • Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital tools in the people-centred integrated care