• Incorporate in the SIMDCAT the digitized medical images of Pathological Anatomy generated by the SISCAT centers.
  • Store and share data securely, acting as a platform that is not dependent on providers.

01. Pathological anatomy - Digital Medical Imaging System of Catalonia

The digitization of pathological anatomy will increase patient safety as well as the quality of care, improving the diagnosis of pathological samples and the efficiency of processes in the Pathological Anatomy (AP) services of health centers.

Pathology, or pathological anatomy, is a branch of medicine that scientifically studies the structure and function of the body in disease. The main role of the AP is to identify abnormalities that can help diagnose diseases, administering the most appropriate treatment. Pathology includes the study of structural changes seen with the naked eye, called macroscopic changes; and changes detected by light microscopy that are based on basic staining such as hematoxylin-eosin (HE) or other special histochemical or immunohistochemical techniques that allow the identification of subcellular elements to reach a more precise diagnosis.

The scope of the SIMDCAT-APAT project includes from the definition of needs to develop the management platform and digitized pathology image services in the SIMDCAT environment to the deployment of the platform in SISCAT centers.

The techniques that are expected to be digitized are: Hematoxylin-Eosin, Histochemistry (PAS, trichromic, reticulin, Grocott, etc.), Immunofluorescence, Immunohistochemistry, FISH, cytology (Diff-quick, Papanicolaou), Electron microscopy, Hematological cytology.