We are a Catalan Government body that works to promote the digital transformation of care services through ICT.
We encourage networking in the fields of health and social welfare.
We are an observatory of new trends, innovation and emerging initiatives.
We offer product standardisation and certification services.
The implementation of ICT in our sector is now unstoppable and is seen as one of the most transformative and integrating aspects of the health and social welfare of the future. The fact that health care in Catalonia covers 100% of citizens within the framework of a universal public system (with the involvement of a wide range of agents, supplier organisations and subsidiary industries) puts health and social welfare in an excellent position to act as innovators and economic energisers in the new technologies sector.
The challenge for the coming years is to work together to develop integrating policies maintained over time with our sectors.
Based on a proposal by the Department of Health, in the session dated 19 September 2006 the Catalan Government authorised the creation of the TIC and Health Centre Foundation. On 9 October that year, it was established in Mataró as part of the TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme technology park. On 25 November, the foundation moved its headquarters to the Edifici Salvany building at Carrer Roc Boronat, 81 – 95, Barcelona with the aim of working more efficiently and sustainably with the various agents and organisations in its ecosystem.
The TIC Salut Social Foundation currently brings together various public administrations involved in the fields of health, social welfare and information and communication technologies, as well as groups of hospitals and health centres.
Defining models of reference for digital transformation
Applying AI in health and social welfare
Energising relationships and collaborations
Preparing and training professionals
Collaborating on the deployment of ICT strategies
Consolidating the interoperability of the system
Ensuring compliance with the GDPR in the field of health
Producing studies and sectoral reports
Hble. Ms. Mònica Martinez Bravo
Department of Social Rights
Council of Mataró
Department of Health
Department of Health
Department of Presidency
Department of Business and Labour
Department of Business and Labour
Catalan Health Service
Catalan Health Institute
Catalan Health and Social care Consortium
La Unió, Health and Social care Catalan Association
Departament of Social Rights and Inclusion
President of ACRA
Department of Social Rights and Inclusion
Social Care Entities of Catalonia
The TIC Salut Social Foundation has signed collaboration agreements with various Catalan universities and promotes networking with professional associations and health, social welfare and technology organisations:
By carrying out projects financed with competitive funds, we create synergies with organisations in different European Union member states.
We position the Catalan Health System as a model for technological innovation and digital transformation applied to social welfare and the provision of health services.
If you have any questions about this action area, you can contact the Public Programmes Manager (calvarez@ticsalutsocial.cat).
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