Initiative created and led by the TIC Salut Social Foundation, promoted in collaboration with the Department of Social Rights.

  • Improving the Catalan social care services information systems’ data integration.
  • Defining common controlled vocabularies for a proper informations systems interoperability.


The InterSocial project was created in 2016 based on the need to define a controlled vocabulary allowing Catalan social services information to interoperate.

Based on the needs for standardisation and interoperability of Information Systems in the social field, InterSocial has become a regular service of the TIC Salut Social Foundation for the Department of Social Rights. It aids the exchange of integrated information between different areas and systems, such as social and health, so as to offer higher-quality care services.

Having analysed the previous state of the art of existing international and national standards, the terminological standard selected to enable the homogenisation of controlled vocabularies is SNOMED CT. It is a very extensive terminology in which social and health concepts can be found. So it is the best option to make the social area internally and externally interoperable with other areas such as education, justice and health.

Consolidation through structured sharing of information between the different information systems is implemented through an updated dictionary codified and structured in:

Factors - Issues - Observations - Answers

381 coded concepts

Last update: November 2024


These controlled vocabularies are intended to integrate social services data and aid the work carried out by professionals in the field of social services.

The foundation makes the Social Terminology Dictionary available to you to promote networking and the adoption of standards to interoperate information efficiently.

Click on the following link and you will be redirected to the SNOMED CT’s Catalan Extension form request. Submit your request to get your access.

Request form


Within the framework of the Department of Social Rights’ Strategic Plan for Social Services, we want to give new impetus to the Catalan Social Services System’s information systems.

By promoting the creation of new information systems that standardise processes in the local world, accessibility to information is guaranteed by incorporating automation mechanisms to reduce how long management processes take.

The Department of Social Rights’ leadership in this area involves developing information systems in the area of Social Services integrated with eSocial. Citizen-centric and data-oriented, it will provide information for decision-making, evaluation and transparency.

System Features:
  • Consolidated data repository.
  • It will enable progress towards a Shared Social History.
  • Integration with other public systems of the Welfare State.

In this context, the Directorate General of Social Services has requested the TIC Salut Social Foundation to provide advice and technical support to construct the modules and processes necessary for the creation and development of the social services working environment, wSocial:


  • Participating proactively in monitoring the project.
  • Participating in technical work sessions.
  • Social Services (sprints).
  • Support for the integration, updating and evolution of the InterSocial dictionary.
  • Maintenance of the InterSocial project as a service.
  • Communication and dissemination of the project’s results in the sector.
  • Taking part of public events.

Next Generation EU fund

The Department of Social Rights promotes various grant facilities and projects of its own aimed at accelerating a transformation in the field of social services, care for children and housing policies.

The TIC Salut Social Foundation supports the Department of Social Rights through its Technological Assesment Office in these calls for applications on the Next Generation grants:

  • Grant 2: Enhancing people care tech projects.
  • Grant 3: Social services management models’ transformation tech projects,
  • Grant 4: Innovation social care services projects.

Click on the following link for more information about this call for applications for grants:

Visit the website


SHI Hub - Social and Health care Innovation Hubs in Catalonia

The SHI hub in Catalonia it is a key network of contributors to the social and health care innovation ecosystem that allows us to approach our projects closer to those stakeholders who can benefit of its outcomes and speed up their development.

It allows the different entities to learn about and approach those projects that are being developed in Catalonia and that can address the challenges with which they find themselves in their day-to-day lives.

The Foundation is part of the executive committee and the SHI Hub management committee of the Consorci Sanitàri de Terrassa:

Visit SHI website


Health and Social care Collaboratory


According to the SHI Hub, the Collaboratories are a social innovation labs to promote the design and validation of use cases and positive impact of digital technologies focused on people’s health and social care.

They identify innovative stakeholders from all around Catalonia to put them in contact as a steering group to incubate ideas and promote work sessions, debates, projects and other collaboration and networking initiatives.

Click on the following link for more information about this initiative:

Visit the website

Find out more

If you would like to find out more details about the social areas, see the following reference information:

Social and Health Integration

Within the framework of the Catalan Government Plan 2013-2016, Resolution GOV/120/2013 created the Interdepartmental Interaction Plan for health and social services. The model designed was subsequently deepened and Resolution GOV/28/2014 of 25 February created the Interdepartmental Plan for Social and Health Care and Interaction (PIAISS). This showed the Catalan Government’s commitment to going a step further in the interaction between health and social services and its commitment to a person-centred care model.

The Government Plan for the Twelfth Legislature, approved on 25 September 2018, expressed the need to deploy a single strategy for integrated social and health care due to the population’s health and social needs, especially people who are elderly or have complex needs. This strategy must promote personal autonomy and facilitate the permanence of such people in their usual environment and their social inclusion. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to strengthen the value of comprehensive and integrated care for people and the value of the efficiency and quality of the provision model, while promoting the suitability of health and social services. This makes it desirable to redefine the PIAISS, which is being replaced with the new Integrated Social and Health Care Plan (PAISS).

Click on the following link for more information:

Integrated social and health care

Second Strategic Plan for Social Services (PESS) 2021-2024

The department is promoting the Second Strategic Plan for Social Services (PESS) 2021-24 as a reference framework for the planning of the Catalan Social Services System (SCSS) for the next four years. The aim is to respond to the sociodemographic challenges that the current welfare state faces:

  • Social inequality
  • The feminisation of the risk of poverty or exclusion
  • The increase in ageing
  • Extreme ageing and disability
  • The diversification of Catalan society and households

Click on the following links for more information:

II Strategic Plan for Social Services

Structure of the Catalan Social Services System

In accordance with the Social Services Act 12/2007, the Catalan Social Services System (SCSS) constitutes the set of resources, technological and economic services, programmes, equipment and activities for prevention, care and social promotion. It is made up of the public and private social services of the Catalan Government, local bodies and other administrations. All of these services make up the Public Care Social Services Network.

Basic social services (BSS) are organised territorially in basic social service areas (105 BSSA) by county or a minimum population of 20,000 inhabitants. They are the first level of care in the SCSS and ensure maximum proximity to users since they are provided in the territorial area closest to citizens. The group of professionals who work in it inform, guide, perform diagnoses and assessments, prescribe benefits, detect risk situations to take preventive action and carry out community projects for the social integration of at-risk people and groups.

Specialised social services are organised by type to respond to situations and needs that require technical specialisation or the provision of certain resources.

There is also the Third Social Sector, which is the set of non-profit private organisations, mutual insurance companies and service providers that work for inclusion and social cohesion, with special attention to the most vulnerable groups in society. In Catalonia there are more than 7,500 non-profit organisations that act in the social area and provide services to more than a million people.

Click on the following links for more information:

Social services

Third social sector