• Through the TIC Salut Social Foundation, the Catalan Health System and the Department of Social Rights promotes its scope of action to position Catalonia as a model for the implementation of innovative technology applied to health and social services.
  • Where are we and where are we going? We offer you an overview of the degree of implementation and current use of ICT in the health and social welfare sector.
  • Annual reports and studies to keep up with the situation and developments in ICT in the network of Catalan care centres and social services.


We transfer knowledge through scientific and technological dissemination in the form of reports, guides, manuals and publications. See them in the Reports tab.

03. Quantitative and qualitative study

The Trends Map (TM) is a quantitative and qualitative study produced by the TIC Salut Social Foundation annually since 2007.

The TIC Salut Social Foundation is conducting a survey to find out the level of digital transformation. The collected data are analysed and the results are presented in a report that we offer to the sector.

Focused on the degree of digitisation and ICT implementation, the Trends Map has two areas of study: ICT and Health Trends Map and the ICT and Social Trends Map.

The universe studied is the providers that are part of SISCAT and the basic areas of social services in the Catalan Social Services System.

The topics addressed in the Trends Map are the degree of digitisation and removal of bureaucracy from the public administration (health and social), Information Systems, innovation and Citizen Service in Catalonia.

The current provision of health services progressively includes new non-face-to-face care tools. This new paradigm complements traditional care with new scenarios that go beyond the physical boundaries of hospitals and health centres.

The study also takes into account the growing degree of social and health integration to offer 360º person-centred care.


04. TICSS dialogues

We set objectives for the different working groups in order to:

  • Identify and promote projects based on innovative technologies throughout the region.
  • Optimise the different stages of development of the identified projects.
  • Implement results that enhance the quality of care in health and social welfare.
  • Share the knowledge acquired with the community.



We encourage the creation of specialised working groups to transfer knowledge in an orderly manner to the care services sector.


If you have more details or the status of current studies, you can contact us through mapatendencies@ticsalutsocial.cat