Digital assets for citizens

  • Promote the use of digital assets for citizens within the Catalan Health System through the creation of a public Digital Assets Radar and a Methodological Guide of Good Practices for its development.
  • Promote the quality of health and wellness mobile applications through the Health Applications Certification Service, following European standards such as CEN ISO/TS 82304-2.
  • Offer a Directory of Health and Social Apps for citizens, patients and professionals, which includes mobile applications relevant to the Catalan territory.

What is?

The term Digital assets for citizens refers to any digital solution that allows the practice of health and social welfare activities centered on the person, and is accessible through a web page, a mobile application or other user interfaces.

These elements can interact with other technologies, such as sensors for patient monitoring, virtual reality or artificial intelligence, and at the same time redefine the relationship between professionals and patients in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.

On the other hand, we want to highlight the terms mHealth and mSocial. mHealth includes applications and mobile devices, sensors for monitoring patients and other digital assistants that allow the practice of health and public health activities centered on the person. The mSocial comprises applications, devices and other mobile digital assistants that enable the practice of action and social welfare activities centered on the person.

Innovation in these sectors is key to promoting digital transformation.

Mobile Applications Certification Service

The TIC Salud Social Foundation offers a certification service for health and wellness mobile applications that guarantees its quality and reliability.

Certification categories

  • Clinical contents and functionality. With the support of our Functional Expert Committee, we evaluate the quality of the application’s clinical content and the usefulness of the features it incorporates. We check if a professional has participated in the design of the app and if the application informs the user of its benefits.

  • Technological robustness. We check that the application works efficiently and reliably from a technological point of view. The application must be adapted to minimum acceptable functionality for the final use guaranteeing robustness and consistency.

  • Usability, accessibility and design. We check that the application presents an intuitive use and a design adequate to the required function, guaranteeing universal and inclusive access to people with functional diversity, in order to maximize the advantages offered by the technology.

  • Data security and privacy. We guarantee the existence of mechanisms to preserve the privacy of data generated by users and the confidentiality of its transmission. We ensure adequate storage of information and that encryption mechanisms are established to register access passwords.

Do you want to certify the quality of your application? Take the Self-Assessment Test to find out the degree of maturity of your application and to know if it is ready to start a certification process. If it is, you can request the certification of your App by contacting us by email at We will advise you to ensure that your app meets the essential quality and reliability requirements.

Check out all the documents and information to find out what you need to consider to pass the certification process in the tab

Reference documents.

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