The X-eHealth project will organize the Innovation Day 2021 – Towards a European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format Community event, on the 7th of October, via zoom.
The exchange of EHR in a Common Framework can be greatly enhanced at the national level if relevant stakeholders are made aware and brought to the co-development process.
The Innovation Day 2021 marks the end of the first year of the project whose objective is to develop the EEHRxF specifications for the exchange of (1) medical image, (2) laboratory results, (3) discharge letter and (4) rare diseases, whilst promoting sustainable practices for the sustainable uptake of cross-border digital health services.
The Innovation Day 2021 will be composed of two sessions:
[10:00-12:00] – A Morning session – with presentations on the EEHRxF and the Commission’s outlook, the X-eHealth vision for streamlining Communities of Practice and the development of EEHRxF specifications.
[14:00-16:00] – Afternoon session – with an innovation-based workshop session aimed at engaging a wide range of [local, regional, national and European] stakeholders into a process of co-creation of a EEHRxF use cases and its specificities.
Would you like to participate in the X-eHealth Innovation Day 2021? Please access the registration form and save your seat, until the 30th of September, 2021.
More information on the event will follow in the next weeks. After your submission of the form, you will receive the code access to enter closer to the day of the event.
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