More information
- Desenvolupador: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
- Cost: Free
- Versió revisada: 1.0.3 (Android), 1.0.3 (iOS)
- Data revisió: 03/11/2021 (GooglePlay), 03/11/2021 (App Store)
- Marc de referència: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
- Speciality: Disease Prevention
- Adreçat a: Citizen
Addressed to: Citizenship
Famba is used for:
- -Travel responsibly and without putting your health at risk, especially if you travel to a country considered at risk.
- -Check the database for health recommendations and regulations for traveling to Thailand, Indonesia, Kenya, India, Tanzania, Vietnam, Peru, Colombia, Cambodia, Brazil,…
- – Find information on tropical diseases such as yellow fever, malaria, dengue, zika, etc. and what measures must be taken to prevent them. You will also be able to obtain updated information on Coronavirus in the area you are going to visit and other practical advice, such as how to protect yourself from mosquito bites or how to avoid “traveler’s sickness” or traveler’s diarrhea.