More information
- Desenvolupador: BabyCenter
- Cost: Free
- Versió revisada: Varies with device (Android), 4.22.3 (iOS)
- Data revisió: 19/05/2022 (Google Play), 15/07/2022 (App Store)
- Marc de referència: DIXIT - Center for Documentation of Social Services
- Speciality: Gynecology and Obstetrics, Paediatrics
- Adreçat a: Citizen
Addressed to: Citizenship
Are you expecting a baby? Get week-by-week tips and calendars, access to videos, tools, lists, a lively community of moms, dads, and parents-to-be, reviews of essential baby products, and thousands of BabyCenter articles. And once you give birth, it will become your daily parenting guide and support you throughout your baby’s first year.