Smart Health Technologies in Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Forum

07 /feb


  • Transformació Digital

Smart Health Technologies in Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Forum is an event that will bring together various gamechangers determined to make systematic improvements in the healthcare system. Between 7 and 9 of February 2023, in Iasi, Romania, there will be 3 full days of activities such as panel sessions, debates, project generation workshops, site visits and an EU pitching competition in order to enhance collaboration, exchange know-how and facilitate the internationalization of business.

The program of the event consists of panel sessions, pitching sessions, project generation workshops, speed networking & mentoring for start-ups, C2C, B2B, R2B meetings and site visits. The variety of proposed sessions will embark the participants on a journey in the world of the smart health technologies use in the medical field and will address the challenges at the same time.

One of the event organisers is the Romanian Regional Development Agency North-East, our member who runs the Romanian North-East Health Ecosystem.

Smart Health Technologies in Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Forum