• Improving knowledge of security threats, analysis and collective sharing.
  • Analysing innovative risks specifically designed for interconnected nodes within an industrial ecosystem.
  • Creating cutting-edge trust and accountability mechanisms for data protection.
  • Awareness of security issues and training for informed decision-making.
  • Improving the preparedness for and resistance against cyberthreats to Health organisations and bodies in terms of data protection and privacy.

01. Description

Security and privacy protection in Internet of Things devices (SECANT)

This European project is part of the European Commission’s HORIZON 2020 Framework Programme.

Based on the objectives set out, the SECANT platform seeks to improve the capacities of its stakeholder organisations by testing the effectiveness and versatility of the proposed solution, which will be validated in four scenarios applied to the health ecosystem.

02. Consortium

  1. Everis Spain, SL
  2. Fundació TIC Salut Social.
  3. Karolinska Intitutet.
  4. Iota Sitftung.
  5. Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis.
  6. Anaptyxis.
  7. Eight Bells LTD.
  8. Ubitech LTD.
  9. Axon Logic PC.
  10. Thales Six GTS France SAS.
  11. Cyberlens BV.
  12. Sfitware Imagination and Visions SRL.
  13. University of Surrey.
  14. Ianus Consulting LTD.
  15. Centrul National de Raspuns La Incidente DE.
  16. Securitate Cibernetica.
  17. Polaris Medica Clinica de Tratament SI.
  18. Recuperare SA.
  19. Infolysis PC.
  20. BI2S.
  21. Fundació Privada i2CAT.
  22. Adrestia R&D Private Company.
  23. Security Labs Consulting LTD.

03. Project data

Duration: 36 months from September 2021.

Program: Horizon 2020

Subject: SU-DS02-2020 – Intelligent security and privacy management

Total budget: €5,202,226.38

Tic Salut Budget: €116,562.50

Web oficial del projecte