01. Description

The objective of e-MOTIPH is to develop an mHealth solution for mental health. This solution seeks the improvement of the follow-up and enabling patients’ empowerment from schizophrenia. Therefore, it is focused on enhancing active participation at the therapeutic processes with patients, healthcare professionals and carergivers. The e-MOTIPH concept  develops a digital tool to allow a proactive follow-up of the patients. It will consider a modules integration of appraisal, support and patients’ monitoring..

The TIC Salut Social Foundation has a user-requirements definiton role through the patient journey or foucs group methodology.

02. Consortium

  • Grupo Pulso, coordination and development.
  • Fundació TIC Salut Social, user requirements ans design.
  • Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, user requirements ans design.
  • Nurogames, integration and final developement.
  • Pryv, integration and final developement.

03. Project data