• Designing the digital skills map of health professionals in Catalonia and creating an assessment and accreditation model for the digital skills of health professionals in Catalonia.
  • Creating the evaluation and accreditation model for the digital skills of health professionals.
  • Laying the foundations for training content based on the digital skills map for health care professionals.
  • . Implementing training pathways for evaluation and accreditation to obtain accreditation in digital skills in health.

01. Description

Digitisation and the development of ICT in recent years has significantly altered how society communicates, obtains information, generates knowledge and shares. The health sector is no exception and given the essential role played by various health professionals, it is necessary to design a set of actions that enable them to be trained in this digital context.

This context has meant the incorporation of practices framed within the concept of digital health. In this new category, ICT has been observed to contribute to improving human health, health services and the population’s wellbeing. Examples of digital health are telemedicine, health apps for mobile devices (mHealth), wearables and digital clinical decision-making support tools based on large data well-being (big data).

In this scenario of digitisation of processes and relationships and the emergence of new potential for health, health care professionals play an essential role in establishing new care models for the population. Accordingly, actions are required that make it possible to train health professionals to adapt and increase their professional development in the digital context we are in.



Good practices on digital skills

Training pathways

02. Actors

Health Department

  • General Subdirectorate for Organization and Professional Development (SGODP)

Department of Digital Policies and Public Administration

  • Digital Inclusion and Training Service (SICD)

ICT Social Health Foundation

Executive Committee of the Deployment Table of the Professional Dialogue Forum
Organizations and institutions participating in the working group of challenge 4 of the Professional Dialogue Forum.
Experts of recognized prestige in the field of health, ICT and ICT and health.
Catalan Health Service

03. Project data

Program: Local area project.

Topic: Digital transformation and professional training

TIC Salut Budget: 204.421,03 €