01. Description

The POCTEFA funding framework has the objective of strenghening the economic and social integration of the border zone between Spain, France and Andorra. It is focused on the development of economic activities, social and environmental border regions through joint strategies promoting a sustainable development of the territory.

Aptitude project aims to implement a cross-border collaboration to prevent the dependence of elderly people by means of tan experts board that will promote the assistance, the formation, the investigation and the innovation at the Gerontology area.

It is led by Fundació Salut i Envelliment (UAB).  The TIC Salut Social Foundation role attends to the Silver Economy specificites. Contributes with its know-how applied to innovative solutions supported by technology and defines technical requirement.

The Silver Economyit is the ensemble of products and services that elders consume during this period of life. This stage of the vital cycle requires support of some products and specific services. The increase of this internal demand, given by aging, represents an economig growth of demand. The creation of companies to answer these needss and the consequent new workplaces related in these regions is the cause of the interest on Silver Economy.

02. Consortium

  • Fundació Salut i Envelliment (UAB).
  • Departament de Salut – Fundació TIC Salut Social.
  • Servei Andorrà d’Atenció Sanitària, SAAS.
  • Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse, CHU.
  • Equipe Régionale Vieillissement et Prévention de la Dépendance – Toulouse Gérontopôle.
  • Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra – Hospital de Navarra, CHN.
  • Centro de Investigación Biomédica – Navarrabiomed.
  • Direction de la Recherche et de l’Innovation.

03. Project data

Àmbit: Programa europeu POCTEFA 2014 – 2020

Finançament: 2.000.000 €

Web oficial del projecte