Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the TIC Salut Social Foundation have signed a collaboration agreement to carry out a study to assess the digital skills of professionals at this university hospital in the German capital. The questionnaire developed as part of the COMPDIG-Health project and which was used in the study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) will also be used to carry out this study.
The TIC Salut Social Foundation will provide the questionnaire and support the German hospital in using this tool. Charité Univeritätsmedizin has undertaken to complete this study within the next 12 months.
This milestone is a step forward in positioning the Catalan Health System internationally. The fact that institutions such as Charité in Berlin, one of the largest university hospitals in Europe, are interested in the work done in Catalonia is a new opportunity to publicise the Catalan Administration’s efforts. In addition to the study defined in the collaboration agreement, the publication of scientific papers to present the results is one of several communication and dissemination activities planned.
Charité Univeritätsmedizin has a great international reputation for its track record in research, health care and teaching. It is made up of the union of two faculties of medicine from Freie Universität and Humboldt Universität.
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin i la Fundació TIC Salut Social signen un conveni de col·laboració amb l’objectiu realitzar un estudi per avaluar les competències digitals dels professionals de l’hospital universitari de la capital alemanya. Per dur a terme aquest estudi s’utilitzarà el qüestionari desenvolupat en el marc del projecte COMPDIG-Salut i que es va utilitzar en l’estudi publicat al Journal of Medical Internet Reasearch (JMIR).
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