Barcelona, May 19th.
The tool and the methodology to conduct Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) in the field of healthcare is now available both in Spanish and English.
These resources, which were initially published in Catalan and in open access, are the result of the collaboration between TIC Salut Social Foundation’s Data Protection Officer and the research centre Bioethics and Law Observatory- UNESCO Chair in Bioethics at the University of Barcelona.
It is an agile methodology and tool to conduct DPIAs in research and innovation healthcare projects, which are based on the model of the Catalan Data Protection Authority. With this initiative, the DPO Office contributes to the standardization of the methodology and criteria to help the health care entities to carry out their tasks.
The following infographic highlights the aspects to consider to conduct a DPIA during the life cycle of a healthcare project in the field of research and innovation.
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