SocialDiabetes obtains the seal of certification for mobile applications

The SocialDiabetes App, which serves to help manage type 1 and 2 diabetes, has passed the mobile application certification process conducted by the TIC Salut Social Foundation. Its CEO, Maria Jesús Salido, spoke to us about the process and why they decided to apply for this certification, on top of other international accreditations they have already obtained, such as the CE and FDA marks.

The app has been available since 2012, and has since evolved and been improved as the company has grown and established collaborations with different organisations. “Right from the start, we established that we would submit it to any process that could help guarantee not only that what we were doing wouldn’t cause any problems or harm to the patients, but that it would actually have a positive impact on their health”, explained Salido, who added that “when the time comes to release it on the market, it is essential to provide these guarantees if we are to have a competitive product”.

The app provides people suffering from diabetes with greater ease of management and control over their illness, by recording relevant information for their treatment through their phones, such as blood glucose, insulin, carbohydrates, medication and physical activity, as well as displaying their blood glucose levels and active insulin. In addition to this functionality, all the information that patients enter into the app is displayed on a platform that can be consulted by health professionals allowing them to “monitor what is happening to these patients in real time so that they can make proactive interventions to manage diabetes in a more rational way, taking advantage of the technology that is currently at our disposal”, explained the head of the platform.

With regard to the certification process, Salido assures that it was a “pleasant” experience, since they have already gone through other international processes and the product now has a significant level of maturity.

The Apps Certification Service

To award the certification seal, the TIC Salut Social Foundation and a multidisciplinary team made up of experts in medicine, infirmary, psychology, physical education, usability, data protection and technical development assess four main areas: usability and accessibility, technology, security, and functionality and content. The head of the service at the TIC Salut Social Foundation, Carme Pratdepadua, sums up these four key areas for the quality and reliability of the Apps in the following video.