More than 350 professionals watched the conference live on 13 September at the Events Hall of the Department of Health. ‘Generative Artificial Intelligence in the health sector: professional and organisational opportunities and threats’ was organised by the TIC Salut Social Foundation as part of the Health/AI programme.
For almost two hours, renowned experts provided explanations and information about the state of the art of generative artificial intelligence and the impactit can have on health. They also debated the current regulatory framework and the ethical implications and responsibilities that arise from using it.
The conference has now been uploaded to the department’s YouTube channel so health professionals interested in the potential of this disruptive technology can watch all the talks.
[00:00:40] Opening
[00:09:15] Impact of GAI in the field of health
[00:38:45] State of the art of Generative Artificial Intelligence
[00:57:00] Supervision and regulation
[01:35:26] Roundtable: Ethics and responsibility in applying GAI
[02:07:15] Conclusions and closing
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