The Digital Medical Imaging System of Catalonia incorporates anatomical pathology

Author: TIC Salut Social   /  25 of January of 2022


The Digital medical imaging system of Catalonia (SIMDCAT) was created in 2018 to provide the public health system with a secure and technologically advanced environment in which to store and share digital medical imaging services. Currently, SIMDCAT is the unified system that uses the network of entities in the comprehensive public health system of Catalonia (SISCAT) to preserve digital medical images, ensure digital services and resources are based on the same software architecture and make digital medical images accessible from different electronic health records.

This week the project came into operation as part of the deployment of the SISCAT Information Systems Master Plan, PAT-SIMDCAT, in which the TIC Salut Social Foundation participates. This is a new, specialised service at SIMDCAT that incorporates medical images of anatomical pathology generated by SISCAT centres. By studying the morphological changes that appear in organs and tissues, anatomical pathology makes use of both observation with the naked eye and high-resolution microscopes. The result of this procedure is usually digital medical images that need a specialised storage environment and the capacity to view them at a very high resolution, which, as of this week SIMDCAT can offer.

The project to develop at SIMDCAT a specific environment for medical images of anatomical pathology offers multiple benefits to professionals in the Catalan health system. On the one hand, specialists in this field are provided with a networked work environment based on cloud technology and the anatomopathological diagnosis process is optimised so that securely digitised medical images are made available to professionals immediately. As for patients, the quality of care is improved and their safety is increased. The ability to offer a common and shared system for all providers streamlines resources and lowers the costs associated with health information systems.

The seven hospitals of the Catalan Institute of Health that are part of the project DigiPATICS have already joined the new SIMDCAT service for anatomical pathology, to be followed gradually by other providers with units of this specialty.

Font: notícia publicada pel Departament de Salut de la Generalitat