The COIB and the TIC Salut Social Foundation renew their collaboration agreement to develop ICT projects relating to the healthcare sector

Author: TIC Salut Social   /  31 of January of 2022

Barcelona, 31 January 2022

The Official College of Nursing of Barcelona (COIB), and the TIC Salut Social Foundation have signed an extension of their pre-existing collaboration agreement.

The aim of this addendum is to establish an Action Plan to identify, define, coordinate and implement joint projects and actions and to promote initiatives that provide added value to the health sector through the use of ICTs, which will serve as extra support for the management of health services.

Specifically, this agreement falls under the foundation’s framework for accrediting mobile applications in the healthcare sector. To this end, the collaboration with the COIB will focus on the assessment of the content block of the aforementioned process. Therefore, the COIB will provide the Committee of Functional Experts, of which it is a member, with its expertise and knowledge regarding the specifics that the various solutions that pass the accreditation process will have to present.

Among the types of products assessed by the Committee of Functional Experts are mobile apps and associated devices such as blood glucose monitors, wristbands, sensors and a multitude of other wearables designed to collect biometric data.