In the context of the assessing digital non-face-to-face care solutions, the frame of reference in Catalonia is based on an adaptation of international models: Model for Assessment of Telemedicine Applications (MAST) and the guide to assessing the impact of telehealth and telecare of the I Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare (SCTT) and its aim is to carry out a holistic assessment process that includes all the phases of the initiative, from the identification of the need and the design of the solution, through its development and incorporation into clinical practice and finally, the obtaining of results and analysis of the obtained impact:
The assessment framework takes into account different aspects: the actors involved in the use of the digital solution, the different dimensions to be considered in the assessment and the specific use cases of the assessed solution:
Measures the capacity of the service to improve the individual’s health condition (slow the progression of the disease, fragility or loss of independence or accelerate the rehabilitation or self-management of the disease or pathology).
Assessment of expenses and earnings after the implementation of the service and cost-benefit analysis (CBA), cost minimization analysis (CMA), cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), cost-consequence analysis (CCA).
Takes into account what types of resources and processes need to be created or organized when implementing a new initiative and what types of changes or consequences their use can produce.
Measures, among other things, the perception and satisfaction of the different agents involved in relation to the digital non-face-to-face service.
Assessment of the social, ethical and legal aspects of the initiative, both for the digital solution and for the service.
Assesses aspects such as data security, privacy and protection, usability, reliability, etc.
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