01. SNOMED CT Catalan Extension

The SNOMED CT Catalan Extension is the national edition of SNOMED CT for Catalonia. It is maintained and distributed by the Interoperability and Technologies Area of the TIC Salut Social Foundation for the Department of Health of Catalonia. It collects all the concepts, descriptions and relationships in Catalan and Spanish used in the region, as well as the different subsets used in a wide range of areas in the Catalan Health System.

The entire management of the Catalan Extension is carried out in collaboration with working groups of clinical and social professionals in the Catalan Health System who express their needs.

As SNOMED’s National Reference Centre in Catalonia, we are responsible for maintaining and updating the SNOMED CT Catalan Extension and its Reference Sets during the year, issuing an annual publication, based on the Catalan Health System’s needs.

The following form has been enabled so you can request the latest version of the SNOMED CT Catalan Extension:


Request Form Catalan Extension and Subsets of SNOMED CT

By filling in the following form you will receive an email with the data to access the download area of SNOMED CT containing: The latest version of the Catalan Extension of SNOMED CT, the different international and Spanish versions on which the Catalan Extension of SNOMED CT depends, and the different Subsets of the Catalan Extension of SNOMED CT, which you will find respectively in the following archives:

Catalan extension (31/10/2022)

SNOMED International and extensions:

  • International version (31/01/2022)
  • International version Spanish Edition (30/04/2022)
  • Spanish Extension SNS (01/06/2022)
  • Spanish Extension of Medicines (01/06/2022)


SNOMED CT Subset Catalogs:

  • APA: SNOMED CT concepts used in a Pathological Anatomy Service
  • Microglossary: most commonly used concepts to encode samples by hospitals in Catalonia publishing in the RAPA (Pathological Anatomy Register)
  • SNC: Neoplastic concepts of SNOMED CT and its mapping to the standard ICD-O-3.2
  • STT: topographic concepts of SNOMED CT and its mapping to the standard ICD-O-3.2


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    03. SNOMED CT National Reference Centre in Catalonia

    The International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO), trading as SNOMED International, is the organisation that holds the intellectual property rights and has the aim of developing, maintaining, promoting and enabling the adoption and correct use of SNOMED CT in health systems around the world.

    SNOMED CT is a standard designed specifically for electronic health information exchange and for recording and sharing clinical data. It was created with the aim of meeting the need to standardise terminology in the health domain in order to achieve global semantic interpretation between the different stakeholders and systems involved in clinical processes.

    Its main characteristics are:

    • Providing a high level of detail, granularity and multiple hierarchy, as well as the ability to relate to other controlled vocabularies.
    • Covering all the functions that may be performed with a controlled vocabulary, allowing them to be viewed in the international search engine, enabling their use by integrating with different systems as an interoperability standard, and allowing data analysis for decision-making.

    Some countries, as members of SNOMED International, maintain and distribute a national edition of SNOMED CT for use within their territory.

    Since 2010, the TIC Salut Social Foundation has been tasked by the Department of Health of Catalonia with promoting the use of SNOMED CT as a reference standard in Catalonia.

    Since 2011, the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare, as a member of SNOMED International, granted a namespace to the Department of Health of Catalonia to create a Catalan Extension of SNOMED CT.

    Since 2011, the TIC Salut Social Foundation has been tasked by the Department of Health with creating, managing and maintaining the Catalan Extension of SNOMED CT, which has led us to become the SNOMED CT National Reference Centre in Catalonia.

    SNOMED CT National Reference Centres (CNR) are the official bodies with authority, responsibility and obligations over SNOMED CT extensions to which SNOMED International has granted a licence and namespace. They are also the liaison between partners, members and SNOMED International.

    If you have any SNOMED CT-related needs, you can contact us by e-mail: ofsti@ticsalutsocial.cat.