XI International Congress on Digital Health

18 /Sep


Del 18 al 20 de septiembre, la UIK organiza el XI Congreso Internacional de Salud Digital

The Digital Transformation of healthcare is essential to cope with the continuous change that the healthcare ecosystem is experiencing. It is indisputable that information and communication technologies allow for improved self-care, the quality of care and optimised system efficiency. We are facing an unstoppable phenomenon that is completely transforming the healthcare scenario.

However, we must reflect on whether the current scenario adapts to the present and future needs of users, and what would be the most appropriate strategies to meet these needs in the coming years, in order to generate value for patients, professionals, healthcare organisations and society.

From 18 to 20 September, the UIK is organising the XI International Congress on Digital Health, with the aim of sharing, learning and generating knowledge networks between the agents involved in healthcare and citizens.

Check out the program here.