Immunisation Information Systems in Europe: state of play and importance ahead of the European Health Data Space

10 /Jan


  • Digital Transformation

Agenda webinar:

• Introduction

• OpenSky Presentation “The State of the Art in Electronic Vaccination Registries in the European Union and the United Kingdom”

• Round Table 5 Presentation “Making interoperable data systems for vaccination a reality in Europe, building on the COVID-19 experience.

• Panel discussion

• Questions & Answers

This Webinar is supported by MSD.

Background to the OpenSky Report

OpenSky Data Systems, an international enterprise automation specialist technology company, who recently prepared a report “State of the art in Electronic Vaccination Registries in the European Union and the UK” commissioned by MSD. The report maps Electronic Vaccination Registries (EVRs) across Europe identifying best in class for offering rapid and reliable information on vaccine coverage rates (VCRs), spots the European divides in terms of preparing and using EVRs and makes recommendations for overcoming the divergences.

OpenSky have continued their work and phase 2 of their work looks at how to increase VCRs using the information from their report, an in depth analysis of HPV EVRs in certain European countries and designing a virtual model of a common minimal/optimal EVR architecture 

Background to Round Table 5 Immunisation Information Systems: Making interoperable data systems for vaccination a reality in Europe, building on the COVID-19 experience

In 2020 DHS and I~HD (European Institute for Innovation through Health Data) created a Round Table Programme which  culminated with our 7 Calls to Action on Health Data Ecosystems (read here)  This was aimed at assisting the European Commission develop the concept of the European Health Data Space(EHDS) 

In June and July 2022 we convened Round Table 5 a multi stakeholder group of 30 experts (in vaccine development, immunisation programmes, public health, clinicians, immunisation information systems and informatics as well as representatives from the European Commission and WHO) to explore how Europe and its Member States can advance effectively and rapidly towards having the most functionally suitable and interoperable information systems used to run, document and assess immunisation programmes. The objectives of Round Table 5 were to formulate the actions that are needed to advance Europe’s immunisation intelligence capability and programme effectiveness, at both Member State and the European level, catalysed by the European Health Data Space (EHDS) and the Pandemic, and to define actions required by other stakeholders across Europe.

Immunisation Information Systems in Europe: state of play and importance ahead of the European Health Data Space