24 /Jul


  • Intel·ligència Artificial

The Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) dedicates itself to helping the biomedical engineering community achieve its goals. Since its first technical conference in 1960 in London, England, EMBC is known for convening academics, clinicians, industry, students and researchers in the biomedical engineering and the Medtech community. This year’s theme is “Engineering Better and More Resilient Healthcare for All” and be a part of one of the most diverse, collaborative, and inventive biomedical communities in the world.

On behalf of the INCISIVE project, Susanna Aussó, head of AI at TIC Salut Social Foundation, will participate in the mini-symposium ‘The European Cancer Imaging Initiative – Status, Challenges and Opportunities’, the 26th of July at 8.00AM (GMT+10), together with representatives of the AI4HI cluster and the EUCAIM project. This mini-symposium will provide details on the achievements of the AI4HI projects in creating large interoperable cancer imaging repositories, and the experiences in developing novel AI-based models. The symposium will provide hands-on experience on the use of the FUTURE-AI guidelines and will report on challenges addressed by the EUROPEAN FEDERATION FOR CANCER IMAGES project.