The DHWS19 is developed by the European Connected Health Alliance (ECHAlliance) and we are pleased to partner again with 4YFN again.
The objective of DHWS19 is to showcase the best innovators bringing digital technologies to improve healthcare delivery around the world. It creates opportunities for these innovators to meet end-users (clinicians and patients) and understand their needs and challenges.
This event dedicated to disruptive innovation around mobile technologies will showcase the digital health market needs with public authorities, hospitals or insurers and at the time the most recent innovation from start-ups, large companies and researchers.
Healthcare professionals, researchers, policy-makers, large companies, start-ups and insurers are welcome to contact us to participate.
Creating a Digital Health Society means that citizens, policy-makers, health professionals, health but also technology companies, insurers…should work together to define new ways to ensure good health of populations.
TIC Salut Social will be an official partner and will participate in the conference spreading the word about mHealth and the Catalan Health Ecosystem.
Tuesday, 26th
09:30am: Introduction & Welcome
Bleddyn REES, Deputy Chair, ECHAlliance
1:45pm: Keynotes Series
Key topics: Genetics, precision/personalized medicine, Behaviors, Lifestyle
3:45pm: Coffee break
4:15pm: Panel session
Key topics: Genetics, precision/personalized medicine, Behaviors, Lifestyle
5:30pm: Conclusion Day 1
Final remarks and conclusions of the day by Bleddyn Rees
Wednesday, 27th
09:30am: Introduction & Welcome
Bleddyn REES, Deputy Chair, ECHAlliance
9:45am: Keynote
10am: Keynote EU Urban Agenda
10:15am: Learning from other experiences
11am: Coffee break
11:30am: Showcase PULSE solution
12pm: Round table
Round table with the Business Council experts
12:40pm: Conclusions, announcement
Wrap up and closure of the meeting
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