4th Edition of the Congress of Digital Skills

10 /Apr


4a Edició del Congrés de Competències Digitals

On April 10, 2024, the Cibernàrium de Barcelona Activa will host the fourth edition of the Digital Skills Congress, which this year is articulated under the motto “Digital autonomy throughout life“. The event, which in this edition will have a hybrid format, will also have different methodological and technological virtual workshops scheduled during the week of the congress.

The program includes face-to-face lectures and round tables, as well as different practical and virtual workshops.

The Digital Skills Congress is a joint initiative of the Department of Business and Work of the Government of Catalonia, Barcelona Activa, Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull and the Open University of Catalonia. This edition is supported by Eurecat.

Elisenda Reixach, head of Medical Imaging and Training at the Foundation, will talk about how to improve the digital skills of health professionals.

Check the program here.