The ICT Trend Report is a study that interprets the main trends that are changing traditional models of health both from a technological approach and from the perspective of organizational and individual changes that take place through ICT in the field of health. In its 11th edition, we have incorporated the vision of those responsible for Research and Innovation of the entities that provide the Catalan public health system.
Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona
Carrer del Dr. Aiguader, 88.
08003 Barcelona
Conducted by Maria Xinxó, journalist.
09:30h – 10:00h. Acreditations.
10:00h – Welcoming Map of Trends Event
Sra. Laura Pelay, Secretaria General del Departament de Salut.
Sr. Josuè Sallent, Director Fundació TIC Salut Social.
10:20h – Keynote speaker: Estado del arte y próximos pasos sobre innovación en salud.
Sr. Madis TiiK, Former Advisor of the President of Estonia in digital health area. eHealth Family doctor.
11:00h – Resultados informe anual Mapa de Tendències.
2018 video results report.
11:15h – Pitch 1. Digital Helath Platform: present situation and strategic vision.
Sr. Pol Pérez, Coordinador General de les TIC. Departament de Salut.
Sra. Imma Bosch, Responsable Oficina eSalut. Departament de Salut.
11:30h – 12:00h. Coffee break.
12:00h – Pitch 2. Telemedicine at the Consorci Sanitaria Integral: a present and future reality.
Sra. Meritxell Davins, Principal of eHealth and Innovación at Consorci Sanitari Integral.
12:15h – Pitch 3. The Campus Universitari Vall d’Hebrón’s innovations model: enhancing technologies like virtual reality.
Sr. Josep Antoni Ramos, Head of Mental Health at Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebrón and Chief resesearcher at VHIR.
Sra. Eva Aurín, Chief Innovations and eHealth Officer. Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebrón.
12:35h – Pitch 4. Is it possible to introduce AI into an OSI?
Sra. Pilar Saura, CEO Badalona Serveis Assistencials.
12:50h – Pitch 5. The System Information Director’s Challenges in hospitals.
Sra. Anna Benavent, UNITSS President, Associació Catalana de professionals d’Informàtica de la Salut
Open debate
13:30h – Conclusions.
Sr. Josuè Sallent, Director Fundació TIC Salut Social.
Sra. Alba Vergés, Consellera de Salut.
Registrations are closed.
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