1st Symposium - Centre for Empowering People and Communities (CEmPaC)

16 /May


  • Observatory
  • Berlin
  • 16 May 2019

Transforming the Medical Model

An International Symposium
May 16th 2019

The Centre for Empowering People and Communities (CEmPaC) are pleased to announce their first international symposium. The event will explore the theme: “Transforming the medical model”.

Health care systems across Europe and worldwide and are facing a rapidly changing demographic and year on year rise in long term health conditions. It is now becoming widely recognised that the systems of health care designed in the 19th and 20th centuries are no longer sustainable.

Many of the factors effecting health and wellbeing are not related to medicine. Health is also about social, environmental factors as well as people’s levels of confidence, knowledge and skills to manage their health.

This conference will explore the key interventions that will enable health care systems to move into the 21st century and how they can become sustainable.

Exploring technology, integrated care, self-care, empowerment health literacy and activation the conference will show case key initiatives with the aim of stimulating thinking and ideas and practical steps towards a new medical model that fully incorporates the psychosocial elements of care.

Who is this for?

This event is for policy makers, commissioners, insurers, clinicians, patients and patient groups, pharmaceutical companies as well as technology companies who are interested in changing the way in which we practice health and well-being.

Who are we?

CEmPaC (Centre for Empowering Patients and Communities) is an online, virtual network and community. It is funded by Robert Bosch Stiftung and supported by EHFF. We are a non political, non profit network.

We provide interactive information and training for patients, communities, health care professionals and policy makers.

We aim to create an understanding and practice of compassion and empowerment, with the support and development of self-care, and responsibility for one’s own health. Thus improving the quality of life, as well as health experience for patients, their friends, families and communities of those who have a long term health condition, or chronic disease.

This includes developing the understanding and skills of health care professionals and policy makers, so that they can ensure that patients and their loved ones, and the communities they are a part of are, are treated with compassion, dignity and the best possible care available, as defined by the patient and their needs.


The cost per delegate is €220

Not for profit organisations €170

We offer a reduced rate for patients, please contact us.
