More information
- Desenvolupador: YANA APP S.A.P.I. DE C.V.
- Cost: Gratuïta, Versió PRO amb totes les funcions: Pla Mensual 5,99 € Pla Anual 34,99 € Pla Semestral 21,99 €
- Versió revisada: 4.9.0
- Data revisió: 30/03/2023 (Android) i 29/03/2023 (IOS)
- Marc de referència: Fundació iSYS
- Speciality: Salut Mental
- Adreçat a: Pacient
Addressed to: Patient
Yana is a Chatbot (Automated Conversational Agent) that accompanies people on the path to emotional well-being.
Presents the most useful and practical tools of Cognitive-Behavioral therapy in a friendly, simple and intelligent way to help manage emotional states, any day at any time.
If necessary, Yana can channel crisis lines or mental health professionals to start a therapeutic process immediately.
Disclaimer: Yana is not a substitute for any professional opinion, diagnosis, treatment, psychotherapy or mental health service. Always seek the advice of your doctor for any questions you have related to your health.