



More information

  • Desenvolupador: voiceitt
  • Cost: Free
  • Versió revisada: 2.2.2 (iOS) 
  • Data revisió: 02/03/2023 (App Store) 
  • Marc de referència: Fundació TIC Salut Social / National disability centers from Israel, United States and Europe.
  • Speciality: ensory disfunction
  • Adreçat a: Citizen and patient

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Addressed to: Patient, Citizenship

Citizen and patient

Voiceitt is a voice recognition app specifically designed for people with speech impairments caused by conditions such as: Cerebral Palsy, stroke, ALS, Parkinson’s disease, Down syndrome, Brain Injuries, and more.

You can teach the Voiceitt app to recognize your unique voice and, then, it can help you be understood by others and by voice-activated technologies, such as Alexa.

Available in Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian and Hebrew.