More information
- Desenvolupador: Visualfy
- Cost: Free
- Versió revisada: 8.0.0
- Data revisió: 22/09/2023 (Android), 25/09/2023 (iOS)
- Marc de referència: Fundació iSYS
- Speciality: Neurology, Otolaryngology, Functional diversity
- Adreçat a: Patients, Citizenship
Addressed to: Patient, Citizenship
Patients, Citizenship
Visualfy is the application for deaf people, people with hearing loss and institutions committed to accessibility. It gives access to accessibility solutions for mobile phones, public spaces and homes.
Visualfy’s technology recognizes relevant sounds from the environment such as a fire alarm, a hospital shift whistle, a doorbell, an alarm clock or a crying baby, among others, and translates them into visual (colored light) and sensory ( vibration) on any connected device, such as a smart bulb, a mobile or a smartband.
Visualfy’s information is fully adapted to the Spanish Sign Language (LSE) and the International Sign Language System (SSI), and its customer service can assist you in sign language.