
Neurology, Pediatrics



More information

  • Desenvolupador: Huawei
  • Cost: Free
  • Versió revisada: 1.16.1  (Android), 1.14 (iOS)
  • Data revisió: 30/03/2023 (Google Play), 30/03/2023 (App Store)
  • Marc de referència: iSYS Foundation / Aardman Interactive, European Union of the Deaf
  • Speciality: Sensory dysfunction
  • Adreçat a: Patients

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PatientsStorySign helps bring reading to hearing impaired children. Translates children’s books into sign language so deaf children can learn to read.

StorySign helps bring reading to hearing impaired children. Translates children’s books into sign language so deaf children can learn to read.

There are 32 million deaf children worldwide, and many have difficulty learning to read because, for the most part, it is not easy for them to connect printed words with the concepts they represent. With StorySign we can make that change.


You must have a physical copy of the book so StorySign can scan it and bring it to life.

STEP 1: Download the app and click on the selected book in the StorySign library.

STEP 2: Place the phone over the words on one of the pages of the physical copy of the book and Star, our friendly avatar, will interpret the story in sign language while the words are highlighted on the phone.

StorySign is a free app for iOS devices that translates children’s books into 14 different sign languages: American Sign Language (ASL), British Sign Language (BSL), Australian Sign Language (Auslan), French Sign Language (LSF) , German Sign Language (DSG), Italian Sign Language (LSI), Spanish Sign Language (LSE), Portuguese Sign Language (LGP), Dutch Sign Language (NGT), Irish Sign Language (ISL), language Sign Language (VGT), French-Speaking Belgian Sign Language (LSFB), French-Speaking Swiss Sign Language (LSF) and German-Swiss Sign Language (DSGS).