More information
- Desenvolupador: Healthinn
- Cost: Free
- Versió revisada: 3.3.3
- Data revisió: 26/05/2022 (Google Play), 27/05/2022 (App Store)
- Marc de referència: AppSaludable badge, Conselleria Salut i Consum Eivissa i Formentera
- Speciality: Physiotherapy
- Adreçat a: Patients and health professionals
Addressed to: Patient, Health professionals
Patient and health professionals
ReHand is a tool for the prescription and implementation of therapeutic exercise programs for the rehabilitation of the wrist-hand-finger segment. Its use is indicated in those patients with traumatological, orthopedic and/or neurological involvement of the wrist-hand-finger segment. ReHand provides patients with an exercise program adapted to their condition and recovery time. It also provides healthcare professionals with a tool for prescribing and monitoring therapeutic exercise. It has been developed by a team of physiotherapists and under the guidance of medical professionals in the sector.