


More information

  • Desenvolupador: Public Health System of Andalusia
  • Cost: Free
  • Versió revisada: 3.2.6 (iOS), 4.1.17 (Android)
  • Data revisió: 08/04/2021 (Google Play), 09/26/2019 (App Store)
  • Marc de referència: Public Health System of Andalusia
  • Speciality: Pharmacology
  • Adreçat a: Patient

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Addressed to: Patient


RecuerdaMed, developed by the Observatory for Patient Safety of Andalusia, allows you to draw up a complete list with the medication of as many people as you need, and to be able to compare it with professionals when you require health care, which is a recommendation from the World Organization itself. of Health (WHO).

It is designed so that you can familiarize yourself with the active ingredient, the dose, the way to take it and why; and to set alarms to remind you of the intake time.

To make it easier, now you can add medicines simply by scanning the barcode and they will automatically be uploaded to your list from the medicine database of the Online Medicines Information Center (CIM) of the Spanish Medicines Agency, the most complete that exists in Spain. In addition, you can add medications manually, if it is more comfortable for you.

You will be able to consult a file of them with their complete prospectus and warnings in the event that it is a medication that may affect driving or that is subject to additional safety monitoring.

RecuerdaMed has been created with the collaboration of a group of experts (doctors, nurses, pharmacists…) in the safe use of medication and with the participation of the School for Patients.