


More information

  • Desenvolupador: Sant Joan de Deu Hospital
  • Cost: Free
  • Versió revisada: 1.4 (iOS), 1.6 (Android)
  • Data revisió: 07/13/2017 (App Store), 07/11/2017 (Google Play)
  • Marc de referència: Althaia (Manresa University Assistance Network) / Alicia Foundation / Amgen
  • Speciality: Nephrology
  • Adreçat a: Patients, Carers

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Addressed to: Patient, Caring staff

patient, Carer

If you have high blood pressure or kidney failure, or you take care of patients with these problems, PuKono is an application that will make it easy for you to know which foods are safe and which are dangerous.

Make your diet varied and safe quickly and in your hand. Select any food you can think of and PuKono will tell you if you can take it or not, or if there is a way to make it safer. You can also check recipes and menus, and you can even send your own recipes to share with other users.

PuKono is a free tool made by health and nutrition professionals with extensive experience in caring for patients with kidney failure. It contains a search engine with an extensive database of foods provided by the Spanish Hypertension Society, an interesting section of tips to reduce the risk of dangerous foods and a section where you can consult recipes or menus from the Alicia Foundation or also from other users who want to share their dishes. Encourage yourself to send your specialties. If a professional nursing team validates your prescription, everyone will be able to see it and say if they like it.