More information
- Desenvolupador: Px HealthCare B.V.
- Cost: Free
- Versió revisada: 2.6
- Data revisió: 06/21/2021 (iOS) and 06/11/2021 (Android)
- Marc de referència: iSYS Foundation
- Speciality: Oncology
- Adreçat a: Patient
Addressed to: Patient
OWise is the multi-award-winning health app that helps you to regain control of your life from the first day of a breast cancer diagnosis. OWise gives you personalized, safe, reliable and credible information as well as practical support and guidance, in one easy-to-view place.
Used by thousands of breast cancer patients before you, OWise is designed by health professionals and has demonstrated it can improve the communication with your healthcare providers. Using the OWise app you can easily keep track of more than 30 different side effects related to treatments such as hormone therapy, chemotherapy or immunotherapy, replacing the need for paper diaries. Moreover, through tracking, reviewing and sharing how you feel from day-to-day, your doctor can make timely and informed decisions to help you.