More information
- Cost: Free
- Versió revisada: 1.0.010 (Android), 1.0.015 (IOS)
- Data revisió: 7/08/2023 (Android), 23/08/2023 (IOS)
- Marc de referència: Xarxanet
- Speciality: Community action and volunteering
- Adreçat a: Citizenship and professionals
Thanks to the Mobiliza-T APP, social entities will be able to publicize their volunteer offer, thus achieving greater dissemination and demand for the actions and, in the same way, allowing the volunteer to develop the most desired action, achieving the set of learning not formalities derived from this activity and this acquisition being accredited through an official certificate. The objective of this tool is to promote the promotion and participation of volunteering by creating a resource that facilitates contact and information between the volunteering entity (volunteer offer) and the volunteer (volunteer demand).