More information
- Desenvolupador: Carealytix Digital Health GmbH
- Cost: Free, Premium Version 10.99 €/year
- Versió revisada: 2.4.4 (Android), 2.4.4 (iOS)
- Data revisió: 14/11/2022 (Google Play), 14/11/2022 (App Store)
- Marc de referència: iSYS Foundation
- Speciality: Nephrology
- Adreçat a: Patients
Addressed to: Patient
Miku is the ideal app to master your everyday life as a dialysis patient. Miku’s various features offer answers to chronic kidney disease-related questions and support you in your dialysis journey.
What the Miku-app offers:
• Dialysis logbook: Using our dialysis logbook, you can document your most important clinical parameters, such as your weight, your blood pressure or your potassium and phosphate values. This way you can keep an eye on the overview and changes of important clinical values during your daily dialysis routine.
• Medication tracking: Create your personal medication plan, add alarms and reminders and track your daily medication intakes to optimise the treatment of blood pressure, phosphate & Co.
• Nutrition diary: In your personal nutrition diary you can record your meals and keep track of your energy intake as well as your protein, phosphate, and potassium intake. Proper nutrition is especially important for dialysis patients.
• Dialysis recipes: Our app contains hundreds of recipes for dialysis patients to help you better take control of your diet.
• Knowledge & know-how: In a series of knowledge articles, you can learn more about your kidney disease, tips and tricks for dealing with your disease and what everyday life is like as a dialysis patient.
• Travel dialysis map:Get an interactive overview of more than 5000 dialysis centers worldwide, even when traveling. Find the right dialysis center for your next vacation