Mi Prótesis



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  • Desenvolupador: Dr. Alberto Sánchez
  • Cost: Free
  • Versió revisada: 1 (Android), 11 (iOS)
  • Data revisió: 27/02/2021 (Google Play), 07/11/2022 (App Store)
  • Marc de referència: iSYS Foundation / Specialists in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery of the Hip Unit and Knee Unit of the Galdakao Hospital (Biscay)
  • Speciality: Rheumatology
  • Adreçat a: Patients

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Addressed to: Patient


Mi Prótesis  is an application for smartphones and tablets especially aimed at patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis and also at those who are going to undergo surgery for a hip or knee replacement.

It includes concise and easy-to-locate information on all aspects surrounding this intervention, from the beginning of the process to the recovery phase.

It includes practical information on hip osteoarthritis, types of prostheses, complementary tests, anesthesia, how to prepare the house to receive the patient after the intervention, recovery in the hospital, how to walk with a walker or crutches, how to lie down, how to carry out the activities of daily life, dressing, putting on shoes, using the bath or shower, rehabilitation exercises, getting in and out of the car, sports, sexual activity after the intervention, etc…

All this information is supported with exclusive images and animations, which the author has designed so that patients can easily see how to perform all these activities.

It includes a complete guide to exercises to be performed by the patient before surgery, in the hospital and at home, depending on the postoperative week.

The main assessment scales for hip and knee osteoarthritis have been included, which are essential when assessing their clinical situation both before and after the operation. These can be easily completed by the patient with several screen clicks and the application calculates the final result, which can be emailed to your doctor.

All the information provided in the application has been thoroughly checked and contrasted by specialists in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery from the Hip and Knee Unit of the Galdakao Hospital (Vizcaya).

The author and developer of the application, Dr. Alberto Sánchez, Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, Specialist in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery at Galdakao Hospital (Arthroscopy Unit), is responsible for all the information that appears on this computer platform.