More information
- Cost: Free, offers in-app purchases
- Versió revisada: 4.35.108 (Android), 4.14.0 (iOS)
- Data revisió: 14/12/2023 (Google Play), 12/12/2023 (App Store)
- Marc de referència: Fundació Alícia / Fundació TIC Salut Social
- Speciality: Neurology, Drug dependence and other addictions
- Adreçat a: Patients, Citizenship
Addressed to: Patient, Citizenship
Patients, Citizenship
Kwit is your pocket trainer to help you quit smoking permanently. Kwit offers you quality content based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (or CBT), a scientifically approved method validated by our own experts in our scientific committee. Still don’t feel ready to quit smoking? Kwit helps you prepare to quit smoking with a 9-step quit smoking preparation program!