More information
- Desenvolupador: Socioemprende SL (Grupo Trilema)
- Cost: Free
- Versió revisada: 3.9.14 (iOS) and 3.9.7 (Android)
- Data revisió: 29/07/2022
- Marc de referència: TIC Social Health Foundation / Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO)
- Speciality: Oncology
- Adreçat a: Patient
Addressed to: Patient, Health professionals
The ICOnnecta’t App is a screening, monitoring and symptom management tool in Oncology.
It is part of a wider digital ecosystem that provides access to PROMs (Patient Reported Outcomes Measures) key for user-centered care (eg quality of life).
It is dimensioned by the multidisciplinary work of all cancer professionals, but currently it has started in the psychosocial and educational field.
It allows for sustained detection and monitoring of psychosocial and pharmacological adherence variables in order to offer health care adjusted to the specific needs detected in the oncology population. And on the other hand, it facilitates safe access to quality information about cancer. This application also allows users to directly contact their referring healthcare professionals through a secure and private messaging system.