Hospital Granollers



More information

  • Desenvolupador: Granollers Asylum Hospital Private Foundation
  • Cost: Free
  • Versió revisada: 6.4.2 (Android), 6.4.1 (iOS)
  • Data revisió: 05/04/2022 (Google Play), 05/04/2022 (App Store)
  • Marc de referència: Granollers Hospital
  • Speciality: Information
  • Adreçat a: Patient

Descarrega l’App

Addressed to: Patient


Hospital mobile application Granollers Granollers General Hospital allowing patients to know the wait time in the emergency department is located on the Hospital and by calling attention to the user. It also has a private area where patients can be informed of their scheduled visits.

To register for the private, need to come to the Hospital Admissions with an ID and an email. The application also allows from one device to consult the views of others. If they are minors, presenting the book family; if other adults, presenting a consent signed by the same adult photocopy of the ID.