More information
- Desenvolupador: 1000 Empresas
- Cost: Free
- Versió revisada: 2.0.1 (Android)
- Data revisió: 12/3/2019 (Google Play)
- Marc de referència: DIXIT - Centre de Documentació de Serveis Socials
- Speciality: Neurology, Language and communication, Functional diversity
- Adreçat a: Patients, Citizenship
Addressed to: Patient, Citizenship
Patients, Citizenship
HelpTalk is aimed at people who cannot communicate fluently orally or in writing with health professionals, family members or anyone else. HelpTalk allows users to create sets of actions that represent their needs in terms of communication, with the most appropriate actions for each disability/user. When the user taps each of the options, the device speaks the selected command.