More information
- Desenvolupador: Attainment Company
- Cost: Free, offers in-app purchases
- Versió revisada: 6.0.5 (iOS)
- Data revisió: 6/10/2023 (App Store)
- Marc de referència: UTAC (Unitat de Tècniques Augmentatives de Comunicació)
- Speciality: Neurology, Language and communication, Functional diversity
- Adreçat a: Patients, Citizenship
Addressed to: Patient, Citizenship
Patients, Citizenship
GoTalk NOW LITE is a fully functional augmentative communication app for those who have difficulty speaking. Create up to three custom communication pages in this free app! GoTalk NOW LITE has all the essential elements of an effective AAC application, such as adjustable page layouts, customizable navigation, text-to-speech and recording capabilities, and an included set of symbols.