
Diabetes, Endocrinology


More information

  • Desenvolupador: QUO Health SL
  • Cost: Free
  • Versió revisada: 2.3.8 (iOS)
  • Data revisió: 02/25/2021 (App Store)
  • Marc de referència: Sanofi
  • Speciality: Endocrinology – Diabetes
  • Adreçat a: Patients

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Addressed to: Patient


gluQUO is an intelligent app that needs to learn from you in order to launch recommendations and enable you to have perfect control of your diabetes by investing very little time in your day-to-day. Designed for Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and other types of Diabetes such as Type 1.5 Diabetes or Gestational Diabetes.

– You can generate reports to take them to your doctor on the day of the consultation, and you will see how your hba1c rate improves after a few months of use.

– You have the possibility of having an account on several mobile devices.

– gluQUO Places, the diabetes community tripadvisor: Find and rate restaurants based on your experience, and help us create a nutritionally informed community around the world.