More information
- Desenvolupador: J_G / Primary Care Foundation
- Cost: Free
- Versió revisada: 2.0 (Android), 1.6 (iOS)
- Data revisió: 01/15/2022 (Google Play), 06/24/2020 (App Store)
- Marc de referència: iSYS Foundation
- Speciality: Pneumology
- Adreçat a: Health professionals
Addressed to: Health professionals
Health professionals
Spirometry is the basic test for the management in primary care (PC) of the patient with obstructive respiratory pathology. The App, developed by the scientific society of family doctors CAMFIC, interprets the results of spirometry through the comparison of FEV1, FVC values and their percentage relationship with the theoretical ones according to the anthropometric data. It offers an interpretation that may be helpful to confirm clinical suspicion.