More information
- Desenvolupador: Bellvitge University Hospital
- Cost: Free
- Versió revisada: 4.0
- Data revisió: 4/06/2023 (Google Play), 19/06/2023 (App Store)
- Marc de referència: Bellvitge University Hospital
- Speciality: Information
- Adreçat a: Patient, Carer, Citizen
Addressed to: Patient, Citizenship, Caring staff
Patient, Carer, Citizen
It allows users to manage companions and share in real time, through notifications and messages, information about the hospital process with their family members or friends.
It indicates the waiting time at the emergency room of the different centers from Gerencia Territorial Metropolitana Sur del ICS (Southern Metropolitan Territorial Management of the ICS).
Online geolocation service that indicates how to get to the different buildings of the Hospital.
Direct contact with the Emergency and Customer Care services.
The ‘El Meu Quiròfan’ functionality has recently been added, which is also available as a WebApp at the link It has been designed to improve the support of surgical patients throughout the process and to improve the knowledge of the general population about the field of surgery. For each surgery, you will be able to know the type of approach to perform the surgical procedure, the preoperative tests that must be carried out, up to recommendations to have the best possible postoperative period and thus promote recovery after surgery.